How much does it cost to be Batman? DC responds

Batman is, together with Spider-Man, one of the most loved heroes in the public. Everyone wants to take the mantle of the knight of the night. However, this is much easier to say it than it. Not only have to be a great detective and a martial arts teacher, but you need to be a millionaire, something that probably is not easy to achieve. If you wonder exactly how much money you need to become Bruce Wayne, The official DC Comic Mexico account has the answer you are looking for.

Recently, the official DC Comic Mexico account on Instagram published a series of Batman's objectives, as well as his prices. From the technology that Batman uses, through vehicles, the baticueva and much more. In this way, it is clear that the night of the night could only be a millionaire.

  • Wayne Mansion : They mention that the cost of construction after the fire that consumed it in Batman starts is $ 600 million.

  • Baticueva : The adaptations made to this section of the mansion, which include the baticomputer, vehicles and spaces for storing costumes and weapons costs $ 3 million, and that without including the equipment.

  • Suit : Manufactured with Kevlar to be resistant to bullets and fire, its cost amounts to $ 300 thousand dollars.

  • Capa : It has memory technology and costs $ 3,390.

How Much Would It Cost To Be Batman?

  • Mask : Manufactured with graphite, it costs $ 2 million.

  • Gadgets of the belt: They have a cost of $ 213,610 and include the hook gun, thermal chamber, portable spectometer, launcher and other artifacts (perhaps the repellent bati against sharks?)

  • Weapons : Bruce Factory Weapons such as Batarangs, smoke pumps, trackers and more, but the materials have prices of up to $ 10,000.

  • Batmobile : With his weapons, computers, gadgets and labor is priced at $ 11.6 million.

  • Batpod : It is priced at $ 100,000.

  • Batplane : Combine combat and helicopter aircraft functions and has a value of $ 60 million.

  • Alred Pennyworth's salary : Bruce Wayne's faith Weapons and pilot.

In summary, We are talking about $ 682,450,750.00 dollars , money that may only be able to have Jeff Bezos. To this we must add hospital accounts, as well as a series of items and possessions related to the Justice League, and Batman's family, because Robin is not very likely to pay for using facilities.

On related issues, Neal Addams, an important figure in Batman's comics, has died. Similarly, these are the five villains that we want to see in the Batman 2.

Editor's note:

We all dream of being Batman of children, even me. However, the harsh reality is that we do not have the money that is needed to be the knight of the night. At least we can compare monetarily with Spider-Man, we would only lack the powers, but that comes later.


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