Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Guide: Shiny Chance, Bonuses, Tips

The next Spotlight Hour in Pokémon Go is injection. Here's all you need to know: date, time, preparation, whether splashing can be shiny and more. February is a big month for Pokemon Go what with tour: Johto, special unique raids and much more. You will not want to miss it. So do not miss the Spotlight Hour in Pokemon Go at first.

*Spritzee* Spotlight Hour! | Pokémon GO

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour

As the name implies and how the spotlight hours always work, ** The Spotlight Hours will take place on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 from 18:00 to 19:00. During this hour, the splash has an increased spawn rate. That is, if you try to catch your own splash or collect injection sweets, you should be active during this spotlight hour.

What is developing from injection?

Syringe is developing to Aromatisse . To do this, you have to feed your syringe 50 Candy. Once you fed your splash with sweets, you only need to make injection to your buddy, enable frankincense and return to the Pokemon page. If you have done everything in this order, you have an aromatis.

Can be sprintee shiny?

Splash is not shiny in Pokemon Go . It seems unfair because the last Spotlight Hour debuted in February Shiny Litleo. And because syringe does not shine, unfortunately that means that Aromatisse does not even shine. Press the thumb up your shiny versions soon appear, and we keep you up to date.

Syringe Spotlight Hour Bonuses

Spotlight Hours are not only good for hunting for specific Pokémon. During these hours, there is always a specific bonus that changes with each spotlight hour. The Spotlight Hour injection also offers a 2x Catch Stardust Bonus . Stardust is one of the most common but valuable things in Pokemon Go, as all Pokemon need it. So if you need help with collecting Stardust, you should use this Spotlight Hour. Good luck outside, coach!

And that's all you need to know when it comes to the coming syringe Spotlight Hour. Make sure you create space in your storage box, cover yourself with pokeballs and grab a few frankincense. You can also prepare for the next February Spotlight hour by looking at our Pokemon go-instructions and our February Spotlight hour planning page.

Pokémon Go is now available on mobile devices.

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